Semester-long data storage

VCL instances are transient—all the data and work you do within a VCL reservation will disappear once the reservation ends. If you want to store results or access data and code, you will need to store it somewhere else.

The easiest place is on Longleaf. Longleaf is a large computing system at UNC. You first need to follow the instructions to get a Longleaf account, which comes with some long-term storage. Once you are registered, you can access Longleaf using your onyen credentials.


To access your files on Longleaf from the VCL, one option is to use the scp command to copy data from one server to the other. An example of copying data from Longleaf to VCL:

sudo scp some_local_directory/

Running this command will prompt you for your password, and then the file will be copied. To copy a file from local to Longleaf is as simple as inverting the command:

sudo scp some_local_directory/example.file


If you have many things to copy, or want to interact with Longleaf frequently during your VCL session, you can “mount” your home directory on Longleaf and treat it like a local directory using sshfs: First, create an empty directory in your /mnt folder where Longleaf will be mounted:

sudo mkdir /mnt/longleaf_home

Then, you connect your Longleaf directory to the local /mnt directory using sshfs:

sudo sshfs -o allow_other /mnt/longleaf_home

The mount will disolve when you close the VCL reservation. If for some reason you need to unmount Longleaf from the local directory, this can be accomplished with the command:

sudo fusermount -u /mnt/longleaf_home
Other storage locations

From VCL, you can similarly access the project space (Isilon) hierarchy, and the scratch on Killdevil.